
Siemens Dimension EXL with Aptio Automation System for all Biochemistry Tests

Siemens BNProSpec

Sebia Minicap for Protein electrophoresis

Tosoh G8 HPLC Analyzer

MICRO LAB MICROLYTE ISE Electrolyte Analyzer

The Department of Biochemistry provides qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological fluids such as blood, serum or plasma, urine, or tissues for specific chemical constituents or physiologic processes. Physicians use these test results to screen for, diagnose or monitor disease.

Tests in Biochemistry include:

  • Acetone
  • Acid Phosphatase
  • Adenosine Deaminase (ADA)
  • Albumin
  • Alcohol
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • Ammonia
  • Amylase
  • Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)
  • ASO Titre
  • Bence Jones Protein
  • Bicarbonates
  • Bile Acid
  • Blood Urea Nitrogen
  • C3 and C4
  • Calcium
  • Cholinesterase
  • Copper Urine/Serum
  • Creatine Kinase
  • Creatinine
  • Creatinine Clearance Ratio
  • CRP
  • CSF protein
  • CSF routine and microscopy
  • CSF sugar
  • EGFR
  • Electrolytes
  • G6PD
  • Gamma GT
  • Glucose Fasting
  • Glucose Post Prandial
  • Glucose Random
  • HbA1C (Glycosylated)
  • HOMA-IR/ B
  • Insulin Sensitivity
  • Iron
  • Ketone Bodies (Urine)
  • Lactate
  • LDH
  • Lead Blood/ Urine
  • Lipase
  • Lipid Profile
  • Lithium
  • Liver Function
  • Magnesium
  • Micro albumin (urine)
  • Peritoneal fluid protein
  • Peritoneal fluid routine and microscopy
  • Peritoneal fluid sugar
  • Phosphorus
  • Pleural fluid protein
  • Pleural fluid routine and microscopy
  • Pleural fluid sugar
  • Protein Electrophoresis
  • Renal Function Tests
  • Semen Fructose
  • Serum Chloride
  • Serum Osmolality
  • Serum Potassium
  • Serum Sodium
  • Stone Analysis
  • Synovial fluid protein
  • Synovial fluid routine and microscopy
  • Synovial fluid sugar
  • Total Bilirubin
  • Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
  • Total protein
  • Transferrin Saturation %
  • Triglyceride
  • Urea
  • Uric Acid
  • Urine creatinine
  • Urine ketosteroid
  • Urine Osmolality
  • Urine protein
  • Zinc

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